prof. Ing. Vieroslav Molnar, PhD.
- +421 55 602 6364
- vieroslav.molnar@tuke.sk
- Sturova 31, Office no. 62.
Inaugurated in Logistics, currently Professor in the study field of Production Technology. His theoretical knowledge and extensive scientific and research activity enable him to combine scientific and professional activities in the field of production technologies and technical preparation of production with areas of his interest in designing, analyzing and simulating various components of technical equipment. He reviews articles in domestic and foreign journals registered in the WoS and Scopus databases. During his many years of work at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BERG Faculty and Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Prešov, he was a responsible researcher and member of research teams in several international and domestic projects. He is the author of over 266 publications both at home and abroad, of which 60 scientific articles are registered in the CC databases with more than 912 citations in the WoS and Scopus databases.
- 2018 – to present: Professor, Department of Computer Aided Manufacturing Technologies, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov, Technical University of Kosice.
- 2005 – 2018: Associated Professor, Logistics and Transport Institute, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Technical University of Kosice.
- 2001 – 2005: Assistant Professor, Logistics and Transport Institute, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Technical University of Kosice.
- 1995 – 2001: Enterprise activities in 3 companies (KDK, s.r.o., AAA Netings a.s., Victor Business Data, s.r.o.).
- 1987 – 1995: Assistant Professor, Department of Measurement and Regulation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice.
- 1985 – 1987: Assistant, Department of Instrumentation and Automation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Detached workplace Prešov, Technical University of Kosice.
- 2015: Professor (Prof.), inaugural appointment for professor in the field of study 8.5.1 „Logistics“. Technical University of Kosice, BERG Faculty.
- 2005: Associated Professor (doc.), Habilitation procedure and defense of habilitation thesis in the field of „Mining machinery, transport and deep mine drillings“. Technical University of Kosice, BERG Faculty.
- 1995: CSc. (PhD.) Philosophiae Doctor in branch 23-07-9 Engineering Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice.
- 1980 – 1985: Engineer (Ing.), tertiary education of 3rd degree, study branch: „Instrumentation, Regulation and Manipulation Equipment“, Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, detached department in Presov.
- English language.
- Russian language.
He deals with the problem of examining deviations and tolerances of complex structural elements and their mathematical modelling. Another area is the study of strain and deformation of conveyor belts by applying modern mathematical and statistical methods in the creation of new ecological transport systems. He experimentally verified the service life of the conveyor belts by observing the wear and damage process and examining the issue of environmentally friendly transport systems and transport equipment elements. At the same time, he devotes himself to developing the prototype of a cable hook conveyor and designing environmentally-friendly logistics inter-operational transport systems. Research and development projects which he participated in as a responsible researcher or co-researcher are also within the above mentioned fields.
patents / utility models
- Device for dispensing bulk material for continuous conveying systems.
- Device for remote inspection of the conveyor belt for digital transformation.
- Device for electronic tension control of the belt in continuous conveying systems for digital transformation.
- Vibration sensing device for the frame of continuous conveying systems and measuring stands for digital transformation.
- Device for measuring the thickness of the conveyor belt in continuous conveying systems for digital transformation.
- Testing device for measuring biaxial tension of rubber-textile conveyor belts.
- Tool for analyzing samples of rubber-textile conveyor belts on industrial metrotomographs.
- Certificate of Successful Project Completion in 2017 and the achievement of excellent results in the VEGA 1/0922/14 project, awarded by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
- Certificate of Successful Project Completion in 2007 and the achievement of excellent results in the VEGA 1/2162/05 project, awarded by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
memberships in major commissions
- Measurement, ISSN 0263-2241.
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 1687-8140.
- 3D Research, ISSN: 2092-6731.
- IET Science, Measurement and Technology, ISSN 1751-8822.
- Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, CH.
- Metals, ISSN 2075-4701, CH.
- IEEE Access, ISSN: 2169-3536.
- Journal of Sustainable Mining, ISSN: 2300-3960.
- Mechanical Sciences, ISSN 2191-916X, GE.
- Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, ISSN 2299-8624, PL.
- Open Engineering, ISSN 2391-5439, PL.
- Transport & Logistics, 1451-107X, SK.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium „The Third International Symposium on Modern Trends in Underground Construction“.
- Member of the Commission for State Exams in the Study Program „Production Technologies“.
- Member of the Commission for State Exams in the Study Program „Industrial Logistics“.
- Member of the Commission for State Exams in the Study Program „Transport of Raw Materials“.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal „Transport and logistics“.
- Member of the organizing committee of the International conference „Research, Production and Use of Steel Ropes, Conveyors and Traction Equipment“.
- Secretary of the International Conference „Research, Production and Use of Steel Wire“.
- Expert guarantor of the International conference „Research, Production and Use of Steel Ropes and Conveyors“.
- Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference „Research, Production and Use of Steel Wire, Conveyors and Excavation Equipment“.
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference „Research, Production and Use of Steel Wire, Conveyors and Excavation Equipment“.
- Member of the International Conference of the First International Symposium MINING ENERGETIC 07.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium „7th International Symposium on Mine Haulage and Hoisting“.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium „7th International Symposium on Mining and Environmental Protection“.
- KEGA: 018TUKE-4/2022 – Development of new study materials, including an interactive multimedia university textbook, for the field of computer-aided engineering activities.
- VEGA: 1/101/22 – Research and development of smart solutions for control of technological processes of production of complex components by experimental methods and computer simulation.
- KEGA: 013TUKE-4/2019 – Modern educational tools and methods for forming creativity and increasing practical skills and habits for graduates of technical university study programmes.
- VEGA: 1/0403/18 – Research and development of modern means of systems for technological processes management with the use of experimental and computer methods.
- VEGA: 1/0922/14 – Study of input parameter relations for interoperable transport effectivity based on mathematical model application.
- VEGA: 1/2162/05 – Application of modern mathematical and statistical methods in the creation of new ecological transport systems in the construction and mining industry.
- NADÁCIA VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA – Logistics computer skills – your chance and advantage.
- KEGA: 005TUKE-4/2022 – Increasing the efficiency and quality of the educational process at universities through professional simulators in both in-person and distance learning, as well as for the needs of dual education.
- KEGA: 001TUKE-4/2025 – Support for education and new didactic approaches in digital learning within higher education, with a focus on enhancing the competencies of future graduates and improving the quality of their preparation for professional practice.
- VEGA: 1/0600/20 – Design of a digital twin for researching selected operational indicators of hose conveyors in accordance with cleaner production, utilizing experimental measurements and simulation approaches.
- VEGA: 1/674/24 – Research on continuous conveying systems to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of automated logistics processes in line with the Industry 4.0 concept.
- KEGA: 012TUKE-4/2019 – Support of education for development of competences in the area of logistics in accordance with the concept of the Industry 4.0 by the help of virtual laboratory of computer simulation.
- KEGA: 018TUKE-4/2016 –Virtual laboratory for education of computer simulation and distributed/parallel calculations based on the finite element method.
- VEGA: 1/0922/12 – Research of the influence of material characteristics and technological parameters of conveyor belts on the size of contact forces and movement resistances of hose conveyors using experimental and simulation methods.
- VEGA: 1/0036/12 – Development of methods and new approaches to designing entry, in-process and exit warehouses and their location in the mining,metallurgical and construction industries.
- VEGA: 1/0095/10 – Research of conditions affecting degradation and lifetime of components of pipe conveyors using progressive mathematical and simulation methods to increase their reliability.
- VEGA: 1/0864/10 – Design of integrated transport system of mineral resources controlled by information system with implementation of green logistics.
- VEGA: 1/3307/06 – Design, development and implementation of modules of ecological raw material transport systems in mining and construction industry using CAD systems Pro / Engineer and Catia
other projects:
- Support and expansion of the Center of research in transport „CVD – PLUS“ (2013-2015).
- International Serbia – Slovak project: Design of logistics model of mining enterprise with an application of principles of transport and reverse logistics (2009-2010).
- International Serbia – Slovak project: Information systems and their effective use for the management of raw materials transport (2008-2009).
- International Serbia – Slovak project: Research of ecological transport of ore (2003-2006).
- 2019: Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
- 2019: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland.
- 2018: Fakulta logistiky a krízového řízení, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic.
- 2018: Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
- 2018: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland.
- 2017: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of technology, Poland.
- 2016: Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
- 2016: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
- 2016: Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
- 2014: ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group, Germany.
- 001 FEDORKO, Gabriel – MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – ŽIVČÁK, Jozef – DOVICA, Miroslav – MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta: Failure analysis of textile rubber conveyor belt damaged by dynamic wear / – 2013. In: Engineering Failure Analysis. Vol. 28 (2013), p. 103-114. – ISSN 1350-6307
- 002 MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – FEDORKO, Gabriel – STEHLÍKOVÁ, Beáta – KUDELÁS, Ľuboš – MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta: Statistical approach for evaluation of pipe conveyor’s belt contact forces on guide idlers / – 2013. In: Measurement. Vol. 46, no. 9 (2013), p. 3127-3135. – ISSN 0263-2241
- 003 MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – FEDORKO, Gabriel – STEHLÍKOVÁ, Beáta – MICHALIK, Peter – WEISZER, Michal: A regression model for prediction of pipe conveyor belt contact forces on idler rolls / – 2013. In: Measurement. Vol. 46, no. 10 (2013), p. 3910-3917. – ISSN 0263-2241
- 004 FEDORKO, Gabriel – MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – MARASOVÁ, Daniela – GRINČOVÁ, Anna – DOVICA, Miroslav – ŽIVČÁK, Jozef – TÓTH, Teodor – MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta: Failure analysis of belt conveyor damage caused by the falling material. Part 2: Application of computer metrotomography / – 2013. In: Engineering failure analysis. Vol. 34 (2013), p. 431-442. – ISSN 1350-6307
- 005 FEDORKO, Gabriel – MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – MARASOVÁ, Daniela – GRINČOVÁ, Anna – DOVICA, Miroslav – ŽIVČÁK, Jozef – TÓTH, Teodor – MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta: Failure analysis of belt conveyor damage caused by the falling material Part 1: Experimental measurements and regression models/ – 2014. In: Engineering failure analysis. Vol. 36 (2014), p. 30-38. – ISSN 1350-6307
- 006 MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – FEDORKO, Gabriel – STEHLÍKOVÁ, Beáta – MICHALIK, Peter – KOPAS, Melichar: Mathematical models for indirect measurement of contact forces in hexagonal idler housing of pipe conveyor / – 2014. In: Measurement. Vol. 47, no. 1 (2014), p. 794-803. – ISSN 0263-2241
- 007 KRÁĽ, Ján ml. – KONEČNÝ, Branislav – KRÁĽ, Ján – MADÁČ, Kamil – FEDORKO, Gabriel – MOLNÁR, Vieroslav: Degradation and chemical change of longlife oils following intensive use in automobile engines / – 2014. In: Measurement. Vol. 50 (2014), p. 34-42. – ISSN 0263-2241
- 008 FEDORKO, Gabriel – MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – GRINČOVÁ, Anna – DOVICA, Miroslav – TÓTH, Teodor – MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta – TARABA, Vladimír – KELEMEN, Michal: Failure analysis of irreversible changes in the construction of rubber-textile conveyor belt damaged by sharp-edge material impact / – 2014. In: Engineering Failure Analysis. Vol. 39 (2014), p. 135-148. – ISSN 1350-6307
- 009 FEDORKO, Gabriel – STANOVÁ, Eva – MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta – KMEŤ, Stanislav: Computer modelling and finite element analysis of spiral triangular strands / – 2014. In: Advances in Engineering Software. Vol. 73, no. 7 (2014), p. 11-21. – ISSN 0141-1195
- 010 MOLNÁR, Vieroslav – FEDORKO, Gabriel – STEHLÍKOVÁ, Beáta – TOMAŠKOVÁ, Marianna – HULÍNOVÁ, Zdenka: Analysis of asymmetrical effect of tension forces in conveyor belt on the idler roll contact forces in the idler housing / – 2014. In: Measurement. Vol. 52 (2014), p. 22-32. – ISSN 0263-2241
- In his up to now pedagogical practice he has taught at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and BERG Faculty in 6 + 16 subjects with a total number of 20 + 26 semesters. The subjects, in particular, are: Robot Drives and Transfers, Technical Cybernetics, Components and Modules of Instrumentation, Computer Design of Instruments, Computer Design and Design I, II, Machine Tools, Machine Design, ASR in Transportation, Components of Transport Equipment, Computerized Computing, Dispatching Production Management, CATIA – Basics of Design, Transport Systems Designing, / ENGINEER in technical design, 3D PRO / ENGINEER, Computer Design in Autocade, Basics of CAD Design, CAD Design, Imaging Methods, Semester Project.
- Computer modelling II.
- Computer aided for engineering activities.